Department of Public Social Services
DPSS is one of 36 County departments and serves over 10 million residents in a county larger in population than 42 states, encompassing 88 cities.
Kids Community Dental Clinic
The Kids' Community Dental Clinic’s mission is to improve the oral health of children from low income families with quality procedures, preventative treatments, and oral health education. Whether you are in need of low-cost dental services for a child age 0-18.
Burbank Urgent Care (COVID-19 Anti-Body Testing)
Burbank Urgent Care is pleased to announce that the COVID-19 anti-body test is now available at our clinic. This specific test identifies IGG anti-body which develops 10 to 30 days from the initial exposure to COVID-19. The purpose of the IGG antibody test is to confirm previous exposure or infection to COVID-19. A positive test may indicate you have acquired some immunity.
Family Promise
Mission Statement: To assist families experiencing homelessness in gaining independence by transitioning into permanent housing and employment, with the support of our community.
Our services focus on homeless families with children from the cities of Glendale, Burbank and surrounding communities.
We provide support to an average of 50 households per month. This figure consists of households in all programs we operate.
While FPV emphasizes being a 90-day program the average length of stay has been 54 days and it is anticipated this quick turn around time can be maintained.
In 2019, Family Promise assisted 141 homeless families in attaining housing. This is a 97% success rate.
Burbank Temporary Aid Center
BTAC is dedicated to helping meet the short-term needs for food and basic services necessary to live with dignity. We strive to help create a community where the poor, working poor, and homeless are able to access the resources they need to become as self-sufficient as possible.
Burbank Unified School District
Welcome to Burbank USD. BHS Cheer. Administrators, board members, teachers, staff, and firefighters welcome you.
Family Service Agency
Family Service Agency of Burbank is a 501(C)3 non-profit social service agency dedicated to providing quality mental health care for all and eliminating domestic violence, suicide, and all other forms of interpersonal violence, as well as preventing homelessness and serving our respected veterans and their families.
Great Web Resources for Parents and Students: 2019-2020
The websites listed in the PDF document offer students and family’s academic, social and emotional resources and information. Many are available in other languages.